Eternia Memories: 2

Treaty of peace between Class 3-A and Class 3-F for the settlement on the question of the restoration of the conventional class order (August 1887, a.k.a. the Alice Protocol)

Of the participants of the exalted Class Wars of Korolev Senior Secondary School;

With Class 3-A, of the one part; and Class 3-F, of the other part;

Whereas on the request of Lady Eterna an armistice was granted to the parties on the morning of 29 August 1887, during the time of second period, in order that a treaty of peace may be concluded, and;

Whereas the parties are equally desirous that the war in which the objective of restoring order was delivered to Class 3-F by Class 3-A in an effort to achieve so, should be replaced by a firm, just, and durable peace.

For this purpose, the parties have appointed as their plenipotentiaries to discuss, settle, and sign the present treaty of peace, namely;

Class 3-A:

Mr Gilbert Paul de Lafayette, Class 3-A Representative, Member of the Assembly, Marshal of the Public Safety Committee;

Ms Mona Serine Mackenzie, Member of the Assembly, Chairwoman of the Activity Council;

Class 3-F:

Mr Kato Abel Danubius, Class 3-F Representative, Member of the Assembly;

Mr Eon Atelier Koziko, Member of the Assembly;

And together with the witnesses to the treaty in order to affirm the legislative authority of the present treaty of peace, namely;

The student council executives:

Ms Ganymede Bianca Jupiter, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Member of the Assembly;

Ms Europa Ariel Jupiter, Undersecretary, Member of the Assembly;

Ms Io Scarlett Jupiter, Executive Manager, Member of the Assembly;

The Faculty:

Mr Alan Jeremy Guilford-Fong, Class 3-A homeroom teacher, senator;

Ms Elizabeth Miklos Romana, Class 3-F homeroom teacher, senator;

Who having exchanged their full powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed as follows:

From the coming into force of the present treaty the state of war will terminate;

And the acceptance in full of the following articles of peace, with the same authority of an Act of the Assembly;


That peace between Class 3-A and Class 3-F is extended to at least the end of the current year of the Candoran Calendar (i.e. 1887), when the parties will renegotiate the length of said extension, or the termination of this Article.


Where Class 3-A must relinquish their claim to the cause for war that was claimed for the war which this treaty of peace is providing for.


Where Class 3-A must restrict their aggression, that they cannot declare war on an ally of Class 3-F while the provisions in Article I continue to be applied.


In light of the circumstances that developed on the eve of war, in which with almost certainty that, directly or indirectly, resulted in a state of war between Class 3-A and Class 3-F, that in the context of said circumstances neither party is to be pursued by the other in any capacity for any purposes, including but not limited to extraordinary retribution or conflict.


Class 3-A agrees to transfer exactly ten points to Class 3-F.


Class 3-A agrees to transfer Ms Alice Sonora Westgrove to Class 3-F, following all appropriate procedures and protocols of a class transfer.


Of their respective class constituencies, Class 3-A agrees to transfer two seats in the Assembly to Class 3-F, where the respective outgoing and incoming Members for the transferred seats shall be determined at a later date but no later than the next convention of the Assembly.

The present treaty in all, of which the Old Yue text is authoritative, shall be ratified and enter into force without delay.

The instrument of ratification is provided by the witnesses to this treaty.

The present treaty shall be regarded as having entered into force pending the administrative discretion of the provision of the instrument of ratification.

In faith thereof the above named plenipotentiaries and witnesses have signed the present treaty.

Done at the Assembly Hall, Korolev Senior Secondary School, on 29 August 1887 of the Candoran Calendar.

For Class 3-A

For Class 3-F

For the student council executives

For the Faculty